Monday, February 17, 2020

News Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

News Analysis - Essay Example For the purpose of understanding discourse and its types, a rigorous narrative analysis of news stories retrieved from the newspaper The Globe and Mail and CBC Network’s broadcast are used. The news story itself is related to Pope Benedict’s resignation that was announced on 11th February, 2013. Critical analysis of the story helped in understanding how the dominant discourses construct a story for the audience with structure of roles and point of views being the important factors, and helps them derive meaning out of it,. In the given story, moral, religious and legal discourses are apparent in the language used in the news paper article published in The Globe and Mail. The headline stated, â€Å"Pope Benedict’s sudden resignation reveals an independent mind† followed by a great deal of explanation about his modesty and him being knowledgeable of limits imposed on him by the moral obligations toward Church. The figure speech illustrates how the newspaper has declared Pope to have complete command over his decisions and who cannot be suppressed by external social variables. This is where the speech recognizes his legal right of being independent. Legal discourse is also apparent in the news article due to phrases like reasonably solid reforms, good CEO, holding individuals accountable. Furthermore, it can be observed that where sudden resignation is attempting to add anxiety in the minds of readers, it is equally attempting to portray Pope as a dominant and sovereign figure. Following discussion about his modesty illustrates how moral discourse is being used for the purpose of defining him to be a man of high morality. Where sexual abuse of children by priests has made headlines of news worldwide, stirring major controversy about Church and Pope Benedict himself, this article is developing a persona of a just man who has undertaken his responsibility of avoiding future abuse. On the other hand, exploratory analysis of discourse used in CBC news broadcast regarding Pope’s resignation showed medical, legal and moral discourses. It was observed that a huge part of speech was attempting to define the repercussions of diminishing health conditions on Pope’s ability to pursue as the leader of the Church. His condition has been described as being feeble, weak and tired with frequent absences from the office of Pope. Special emphasis on Pope’s brother’s statement illustrate how the news reader is trying to provide medical justification to Pope’s actions by stressing on specific words that had medical value attached to them. Another major theme emerging is legal discourse when the news reader attempts to describe Pope’s action as an obligation towards church i.e. if he cannot perform well, he should leave, providing legal justification to the resignation. The words used to elaborate the surprised responses of Vatican Cardinal and Christians all around the world however demean th e moral statue of his action. Phrases like â€Å"the Pope took them by surprise† or â€Å"gravity of this gesture† illustrates how the news reader is questioning the morality behind his actions. Discussion about Pope Benedict not being part of new selection process defines that there is a moral and legal discourse visible illustrating that Pope will not add bias to the selection process or conclave. Second part of news coverage uses legal

Monday, February 3, 2020

Against stricter gun control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Against stricter gun control - Essay Example Antigun control activists assert that disarming the public is not the answer to removing the threat of civilian shootings, but arming those who are in those situations is the answer. For instance, teachers should be legalized to carry guns if it helps to improve their safety since they are often targets of attacks by rowdy students in different locations (Weissert, 2013). This should not only apply to teachers but to all the citizens alike if their lives are under threat from assailants who are bent on robbing them of their valuable possessions. In such a case, it can be seen that guns help to protect the safety of the citizens. In the United States, there are more incidents of armed civilians, guards, and off-duty police officers saving people through the use of guns than there are also incidents of armed civilians firing on innocent crowds. In such a scenario, it can be seen that guns are used to protect innocent civilians against violence by other unknown assailants hence stricter gun laws may threaten the safety of the citizens if they are implemented. The use of guns has to be regulated such that only those people with the legal right should use the guns to protect themselves and the members of the society rather than to commit crimes using the same guns. The other reason why I argue against stricter gun laws is that the state has the duty to regulate as well as to vet the people who are legible to get the guns. If the state makes it a law that guns should not be easily accessed by anyone especially young children, gun violence is likely to be maintained at a lower level. Gun violence can also be reduced if all guns are licensed such that the state can clearly control the activities of the people who are armed with guns. If efforts are put to eradicate all illegal fire arms being possessed by different people, it can be seen that the levels of gun violence